Guitar Jokes
Disclaimer: These jokes are not
meant to offend anybody. They are here to make people
laugh, so don't take them personally! Those of you
out there who ARE taking them personally, then lighten
up... they're just jokes.
How many guitar players does it take to change a lightbulb? to change it and the other to
say "Hey, I can do that better!"
What's the difference between a guitarist
and a savings bond?
A savings bond eventually matures and starts earning
What's the difference between an extra-large
pizza and a guitar player?
The pizza will feed a family of four.
An hour before mass, the priest approaches
the guitar player and says:
"I'm glad to see you include Bible precepts in
your playing."
The guitar player asks "Do you mean 'Make a joyful
noise unto the Lord?'"
"No," answers the priest, "Don't let
the left hand know what the right hand is doing."
What's the best thing to play on a guitar?
In the 22th century, how many guitar players
will you need to replace a light source?
Five. One to actually do it, and four to reminisce
about how much better the old tubes were.
